Bus Information

Palmer Bus Service
Manager: Christine Williams
Phone: 320-510-7528
Fax: 320-528-2672
Email: christinew@palmerbusservice.com
Physical Address: 302 Hawkins Ave. E.
Mailing Address: PO Box 127, Barrett, MN 56311


Riding the school bus is a privilege, not a right. Students are expected to follow the same behavioral standards while riding school buses as are expected on school property or at school activities, functions, or events.  All school rules are in effect while a student is riding the bus or at the bus stop.

The school bus safety rules are posted on every bus.  If these rules are broken, the discipline procedures will be followed. Consequences are progressive and may include suspension of bus privileges.  It is the school bus driver's responsibility to report unacceptable behavior to the Transportation Office.


> Get to your bus stop 3-5 minutes before your scheduled pick up time.  The school bus driver will not wait for late students.

> Respect the property of others while waiting.

> Keep your arms, legs, and belongings to yourself.

> Use appropriate language.

> Stay away from the road when waiting for the bus. Wait until the bus stops before approaching the bus.

> After getting off the bus, move away from the bus.

> If you must cross the street, always cross in front of the bus where the driver can see you.  Wait for the driver to signal to you before crossing the street.

> No fighting, harassment, intimidation, or horseplay.

> No use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.



> Immediately follow the instructions of the driver.

> Sit in your seat facing the front.

> Talk quietly and use appropriate language.

> Keep all parts of your body inside the bus.

> Keep your arms, legs, and belongings to yourself.

> No fighting, harassment, intimidation, or horseplay.

> Do not throw any object.

> No eating, drinking, vaping or use of tobacco or drugs.

> Do not bring any weapon or dangerous objects on the school bus.

> Do not damage the bus.

> Keep the aisle clear at all times.




The School District shall provide students enrolled in grades Kindergarten through 10 with school bus safety training.  The training shall be results-oriented and shall consist of both classroom instruction and practical training using a school bus.  Upon completion of the training, a student shall be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of at least the following competencies and concepts:

> Transportation by school bus is a privilege not a right;

> Policies for student conduct and school bus safety;

> Appropriate conduct while on the bus;

> The danger zones surrounding the school bus;

> Procedures for safely boarding and leaving the school bus;

> Procedures for safe vehicle lane crossing; and

> School bus evacuation and other emergency procedures.


Consequences for school bus/bus stop misconduct will be imposed by the Building Principal or designee in conjunction with the Transportation Director.  Serious misconduct may be reported to local law enforcement.

Consequences for school bus/bus stop misconduct will apply to all regular routes and shuttles.  Decisions regarding a student’s ability to ride the bus in connection with co-curricular and extra-curricular events (for example, field trips or competitions) will be in the sole discretion of the School District.  Parents or guardians will be notified of any suspension of bus privileges.


1st offense Written warning

2nd offense 3 school day suspension from the bus

                     Call parent/guardian

3rd offense 5 school day suspension from the bus

                      Call and meet with parent/guardian

4th offense 10 school day suspension from the bus and a meeting with parent/guardian

Further offenses will be individually considered. Students may be suspended for longer periods of time, including the remainder of the school year.


1st offense Written warning

2nd offense 5 school day suspension from the bus

                     Call parent/guardian

3rd offense 10 school day suspension from the bus

                      Call and meet with parent/guardian

4TH offense     Suspended from riding the bus for the

remainder of the year.


Based on the severity of a student's conduct, more serious consequences may be imposed at any time. Depending on the nature of the offense, consequences such as suspension of expulsion from school may also result from school bus/bus stop misconduct.


Records of school bus/bus stop misconduct will be forwarded to the individual school building and will be retained in the same manner as other student discipline records.  Records will also be maintained in the transportation office.



Students damaging school buses will be responsible for the damages.  Failure to pay such damages (or make arrangements to pay) within two weeks may result in the loss of bus privileges until damages are paid.


Students will be given a copy of school bus and bus stop rules. Rules will be posted on each bus.


In cases involving criminal conduct (for example, assault, weapons possession, or vandalism), the Superintendent and local law enforcement officials will be informed.



> Become familiar with rules and policies, regulations, and principles of school bus safety.

> Assist students in understanding safety rules and encourage them to abide by them.

> Recognize their responsibilities for the actions of their students.

> Support safe riding practices and reasonable discipline efforts.

> When appropriate, assist students in safely crossing local streets before boarding and after leaving the bus.

> Support procedures for emergency evacuation, and procedures in emergencies as set up by the School District.

> Respect the rights and privileges of others.

> Communicate safety concerns to transportation office.

> Monitor bus stops, if possible.

> Support all efforts to improve school bus safety.



> No driver is to make changes in the pick-up or drop-off schedule for their route without prior authorization.

> Only authorized passengers may be transported in a bus.  Any other passenger must be specifically approved.

> No weapons or articles that may be classified as dangerous, may be transported on a school bus. This includes any or all weapons, gasoline cans, animals, and other dangerous or objectionable items.

> Any denial of bus-riding privileges must come from the Principal or Transportation Director.